Here is a list of registrants to date for the AAS hybrid eclipse planning workshop to be held September 29-30, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas, and online:
- Beverly Abell (City of Mesquite, TX) — In person
- Chris Alexander (Total Eclipse of the Pod) — In person
- Josh Alquiza (Northwest Vista College) — In person
- Erin Anthony (STEAM Power Media) — Virtually
- Jason Avent (Educator in the Wild) — In person
- David Baron (Freelance) — In person
- Niecy Baum (City of Pittsburg) — Virtually
- Edgar Bering (Univ. of Houston) — In person
- Armin Bernhardt (ASP) — In person
- Karen Bernhardt (N/A) — In person
- Gilbert Betancourt (Sul Ross State Univ.) — In person
- Jayant Bhalerao (Dallas County Community College District) — Virtually
- Allyson Bieryla (Center for Astrophysics / Harvard & Smithsonian) — In person
- Abby Boroski (Culver Public Relations) — Virtually
- Pam Bosco (Stella Vista Verde Ranch) — In person
- Peter Bosco (Stella Vista Verde Ranch) — In person
- Kelby Bridwell (TPWD) — In person
- Lucia Brimer (Stars and Science Austin) — In person
- Kyle Broadbent (N/A) — Virtually
- Everen Brown (Everen T. Brown Advertising) — Virtually
- Rebecca Brown (Science Mill) — Virtually
- Milo Buitrago-Casas (UC Berkeley) — Virtually
- Sanlyn Buxner (Planetary Science Institute) — In person
- Jamie Carter (Forbes) — In person
- Shannon Carter (Medina County Convention and Visitor Bureau) — Virtually
- Dara Casey (Malvern Downtown Development Corp.) — In person
- Amir Caspi (Southwest Research Institute) — Virtually
- Christy CavnessBradshaw (City of Granger Main Street) — In person
- Marcea Cazel (Cornacopia Marketing) — Virtually
- Kevin Champagne (Texas A&M Univ.) — In person
- Alexa Clavijo (Thinkery) — In person
- Allyson Cliett (City of Hillsboro, TX) — In person
- Janna Clifton (Uptown Jackson Revitalization Org.) — In person
- Cody Cly (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio) — In person
- Audrey Colegrove (Thinkery) — In person
- Alice Craig (Crookneck Consulting LLC) — In person
- Michael Cummings (Camp Riverview) — Virtually
- Jim D'Angelo (Sterling Nature Center) — Virtually
- David Martin Davies (Texas Public Radio) — In person
- Dawn Davies (Hill Country Alliance) — In person
- Lia De La Cruz (EarthSky Communications) — Virtually
- Carole Deitrich (UCSF) — Virtually
- Kate Desulis (Prevent Blindness) — Virtually
- Sean Dillon (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Randy Dodge (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada) — Virtually
- Vangie Dovalina (AACOG) — In person
- Michelle Dow (City of Hillsboro, TX) — Virtually
- Molly Downey (Livingston County Tourism) — Virtually
- Meredith Drosback (American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science) — In person
- Chris Dunn (The Univ. of Texas at San Antonio) — In person
- Erica Dykes (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Noah Egge (U.S. National Science Foundation) — Virtually
- Trish Erzfeld (Perry County Heritage Tourism) — Virtually
- Sonja Ferguson (N/A) — In person
- Leticia Ferrer (Tse2024.Com) — In person
- Rick Fienberg (AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force) — In person
- Heather Fischer (Oregon State Univ.) — Virtually
- Marika Flatt (Texas Lifestyle Magazine) — Virtually
- Christina Fozio (Medina County Emergency Management Agency) — Virtually
- Andrew Fraknoi (Fromm Inst. / Univ. of San Francisco) — Virtually
- Charles Fulco (Laurel [Del.] Public Schools) — Virtually
- Lindsay Fuller (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio) — In person
- Scott Fybush (Fybush Media) — In person
- Jennifer Gallo (Gallo Event Agency) — In person
- Christie Gamez (Scobee Education Center) — In person
- Bobby Garza (The Long Center) — In person
- Tim Gaughan (The Weather Channel) — Virtually
- Jessica Gillespie (Science Mill) — Virtually
- Jim Goetz (KW RACS) — Virtually
- Alan Goldberg (N/A) — Virtually
- Clare Graham (Malvern Downtown Development) — In person
- Danielle Gunn (The Planetary Society) — Virtually
- Monica Gutierrez (San Antonio College) — In person
- Gary Hahn (National Comedy Center) — Virtually
- LeKeisha Harding (Thinkery) — In person
- Sandi Harling (National Science Foundation) — Virtually
- Dallas Hart (The Historic Leakey Inn) — In person
- Hailey Hart (Texas Hill Country River Region) — In person
- Michelle Hartman (Main Street Kent) — In person
- Katie Hartter (UALR) — In person
- David Heilbroner (Q-Ball Productions, Sandbox Films) — In person
- Margaret Hill (Southeast Missouri State Univ.) — Virtually
- Shannon Hollingsworth (Wave Hill) — Virtually
- Dennis Hoofnagle (Whatcom Assoc. of Celestial Observers) — Virtually
- Hayley Isbill (City of Sweetwater) — In person
- Maria Jaime (Teacher) — In person
- Tiffany Jensen (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Carolyn Johnson (Washington Post) — Virtually
- Johanna Johnston (Southern Aroostook Development Corp.) — Virtually
- T. Jones (Daily Star Trek News) — Virtually
- Marie Joyce (City of Granger Main Street) — In person
- Mark Jurena (San Antonio Astronomical Assoc.) — In person
- Tyler Karasinski (St. Lawrence Univ.) — Virtually
- Jordan Katz (Manufacturing) — Virtually
- Nancy Ketch (Town of Houlton) — In person
- Shelby King (Little Free Library) — Virtually
- Richard Kissel (The DoSeum) — In person
- Ashley Kortis (Science Mill) — In person
- Sarah Kovac (Southwest Research Institute) — Virtually
- Jennifer Krupa (City of Fredericksburg, TX) — Virtually
- Amanda Lacy (Texas A&M Univ.) — In person
- Judith Lamp (Historic Downtown Millersburg) — Virtually
- Ian Lauer (Ian Lauer Astro) — In person
- Rosa Ledesma (Kerrville, TX) — In person
- Danielle Lewis (Witte Museum) — In person
- Mickey Loeb (American PaperWear) — In person
- Jen Longley (Oswego County Tourism) — Virtually
- Margaret Lysaght Thacher (Smith College) — Virtually
- June MacDonald (RASC New Brunswick, Can.) — Virtually
- Erin Magerl (Mitchell Lake Audubon Center) — Virtually
- Nancy Main (Main Street Brookville, Inc.) — Virtually
- Nancy Main (Main Street Brookville) — Virtually
- Michael Malloy (Thinkery) — Virtually
- Courtney Martin (Main Street Morrilton) — In person
- James McClean (National Park Service) — In person
- Cassandra McCormack (Purdue Univ.) — Virtually
- Daniel McGlaun (Eclipse2024.org) — In person
- SuzAnne McMillin-Biehl (Main Street Brookville, Inc.) — In person
- Marcela Medina (Alamo Area Council of Governments) — In person
- Kathy Medley (Historic Downtown Sikeston) — In person
- Jamie Carter (Forbes) — In person
- Alejandra Menchaca-Gomez (Teacher) — In person
- James Mendoza (San Antonio Office of Emergency Mgmt.) — In person
- Dan Menelly (The DoSeum) — In person
- Elizabeth Michael (SoMa 501 Little Rock) — In person
- Jennifer Miller (Sul Ross State Univ.) — In person
- Katrina Miller (The New York Times) — Virtually
- Kevin Mitchell (Madden Media) — In person
- Ivvet Modinou (Simons Foundation) — In person
- Andrea Montano (Scobee Education Center) — Virtually
- Patricia Moore (Bandera County CVB) — In person
- Mary Moran (Indiana Dept. of Homeland Security) — Virtually
- Jessica Morgan (City of Sweetwater) — In person
- Inger Nennesmo (N/A) — Virtually
- Harrison Nir (Q-Ball Productions) — In person
- Tyler Nordgren (Space Art Travel Bureau) — In person
- Stu Nozette (Grafix Plastics) — Virtually
- Aileen O'Donoghue (Saint Lawrence Univ.) — Virtually
- John Olgin (El Paso Community College) — Virtually
- Ross Oliver (Lampasas County Chamber of Commerce) — Virtually
- April Orcutt (Freelance Journalist/Writer) — In person
- Douglas Ordon (Fort Worth Astronomical Society) — Virtually
- April Ortiz (Sul Ross State Univ.) — In person
- Jeff Payne (Western Sydney Univ.) — Virtually
- Bill Pell (Texas True Venue, LLC) — In person
- Susie Pell (Texas True Venue, LLC) — In person
- Gary Perez (Native American Church) — In person
- James Pickering (Winnsboro Mainstreet) — In person
- Carle Pieters (Planetary Science Inst.) — Virtually
- Michael Preston (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Susan Price (City of Lago Vista) — Virtually
- Paul Quintero (AACOG 911) — In person
- Audrey Rabren (San Antonio Zoo) — Virtually
- Spencer Rackley (CAAC) — In person
- Laurel Radow (TRB) — Virtually
- Sebastian Ramirez (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Katie Raney (TPWD) — In person
- Julie Rathbun (Planetary Science Institute / Cornell Univ.) — In person
- Emily Reichard (Austin Zoo) — Virtually
- Norma Reis (Curitiba) — Virtually
- Sarah Reynolds (Univ. of Indianapolis) — Virtually
- Chris Ritzi (Sul Ross State Univ.) — In person
- Katherine Rodeghier (Travel Writer) — Virtually
- Zenaida Rodriguez (City of Eagle Pass) — In person
- Debra Ross (Rochester NY Eclipse Task Force) — In person
- Ella Ross (Rochester Inst. of Technology) — In person
- James Rossignol (Blanco County Eclipse Task Force) — In person
- Katherine Rupp (Katherine Rupp R&D) — Virtually
- Kate Russo (Being in the Shadow) — In person
- Penny Sadler (Freelance Writer) — Virtually
- Erica Sagebiel (Texas Hill Country River Region) — In person
- Vanita Salisbury (Thrillist) — Virtually
- George Sam (Main Street Medina) — Virtually
- Francisco Sanchez (Eagle Pass Independent School District) — In person
- Angela Schade (Paducah Main Street) — In person
- Daniel Schneiderman (Rochester Museum and Science Center) — In person
- Holly Schreiber (BSNS/Buffalo Museum of Science) — Virtually
- Greg Schultz (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) — Virtually
- Elizabeth Shenk (Main Street America) — In person
- Lisa Shepard (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Cally Shore (Historic Downtown Pocahontas) — Virtually
- Costantino Sigismondi (ICRA) — Virtually
- Mike Simmons (Astronomy for Equity) — Virtually
- Deborah Skapik (Friends' Central School) — In person
- Jerry Smith (Amateur) — In person
- Angela Speck (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Mark Stollberg (U.S.Naval Observatory) — Virtually
- Jennifer Swanson (Solve It for Kids) — Virtually
- Lindsay Tarnoff (Laughing Gull Chocolates) — Virtually
- Bill Taylor (KENS 5) — In person
- Christine Temple (VisitErie) — Virtually
- Ashley Thomas (City of Stephenville) — Virtually
- Bethany Thomas (Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites) — Virtually
- Sandy Thompson (City of Pittsburg, Texas) — In person
- Marla Threewits (Randolph County Eclipse Chair) — Virtually
- Rain Throesen (City of Kerrville) — In person
- Bryan Tobias (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) — In person
- Jesse Tomlinson (The Eclipse Company) — In person
- Anna Tosolini (Williams College) — Virtually
- Stephen Trainor (Crookneck Consulting LLC) — In person
- Frani Valenzuela (American PaperWear) — In person
- Rick Varner (Scobee Education Center) — In person
- Tia Vice (Main Street America) — In person
- Anna Walker (North Vernon Main Street) — In person
- Dan Ward (Analemma Society) — Virtually
- Stephen Watkins (The Eclipse Company) — In person
- Maya Wei-Haas (Freelance Science Writer) — Virtually
- Jeff Wheatcraft (The Science Mill) — In person
- Polly White (Great American Eclipse) — In person
- Vivian White (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) — In person
- Ben Wiehe (MIT Museum) — In person
- Matthew Williams (Universe Today) — Virtually
- Trae Winter (ARISA Lab, LLC) — In person
- Derrick Wippler (San Antonio Astronomical Assoc.) — In person
- Sarah Wolfe (Vincennes / Knox County Eclipse) — In person
- Wayne Wooten (Chattanooga State Comm. College / Univ. of West Florida) — Virtually
- Rik Yeames (NH Solar Eclipse Task Force) — In person
- Monica Young (Sky & Telescope) — Virtually
- Michael Zeiler (GreatAmericanEclipse.com) — In person
- Morgan Zimmerman (Main Street Morrilton) — In person
- Mariana Zoll (Scobee Education Center) — In person