Here is a list of registrants for the AAS Virtual Eclipse Planning Workshop that was held April 8-9, 2022:
1 | Danielle Adams (Lowell Observatory) | 145 | Mickey Loeb (American Paper Wear) |
2 | Mitzi Adams (NASA/MSFC) | 146 | George Loisos (L+U) |
3 | Meriem Alaoui (CUA) | 147 | Donald A. Lubowich (Hofstra Univ.) |
4 | Chris Chotas Alexander (No Affiliation Provided) | 148 | Rachel Lumpee (No Affiliation Provided) |
5 | Tara Angle (Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana) | 149 | Jeremy Lusk (Univ. of Central Arkansas) |
6 | Vallia Antoniou (Texas Tech Univ.) | 150 | Margaret G. Lysaght Thacher (Smith College) |
7 | Heather O'Toole Appleby (No Affiliation Provided) | 151 | Ilana MacDonald (Univ. of Toronto) |
8 | Douglas N. Arion (Mountains of Stars) | 152 | June D. MacDonald (RASC New Brunswick, Can.) |
9 | Summer Ash (National Radio Astronomy Observatory) | 153 | Meredith A. MacGregor (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder) |
10 | James R. Attwood (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada) | 154 | James Malke (No Affiliation Provided) |
11 | James Bader (Univ. of North Texas) | 155 | Kevin Marsh (Copperas Cove Public Library) |
12 | Bob Baer (Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale Physics Dept.) | 156 | Anne Martineau (Queen's Univ.) |
13 | Jennifer Baggett (Dallas College) | 157 | Karen L. Masters (Haverford College) |
14 | Margaret Baguio (Univ. of Texas at Austin) | 158 | Adele Maurier (SEE Science Center) |
15 | Michael E. Bakich (Home) | 159 | Daniel McGlaun (No Affiliation Provided) |
16 | Stephen N. Balog (The Hockaday School) | 160 | Marc A. Meacham (Adirondack League Club) |
17 | David Baron (Freelance) | 161 | John T. Meader (Northern Stars Planetairum) |
18 | Amy Barraclough (Edelman Planetarium) | 162 | Sara Melena (National Park Service) |
19 | Dorinda Barrett (Vision Lampasas) | 163 | Sharon H. Merritt (No Affiliation Provided) |
20 | Connie Barron (City of Blanco) | 164 | Allan W. Meyer (NASA Ames Associate (retired)) |
21 | Lindsay M. Bartolone (Independent Consultant) | 165 | Chris J. Midden (Southern Illinois Univ.) |
22 | William E. Baylis (Canada South Science City) | 166 | Chris Miller (Pogue Planetarium, GPISD) |
23 | Lillian Beaudoin (Cool Down Los Angeles) | 167 | Jay H. Miller (No Affiliation Provided) |
24 | Jacqueline Benitez (California Academy of Sciences) | 168 | Christina Milotte (NASA HEAT) |
25 | Hemendra Bhatnagar (Retired Physician) | 169 | Madison Mitchelll (Indiana Univ.) |
26 | Allyson Bieryla (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian) | 170 | Eric M. Monier (SUNY College at Brockport) |
27 | John Edward Bishop (AAPOS) | 171 | Patricia Moore (Bandera County CVB) |
28 | Matthew Bobrowsky (Delaware State Univ.) | 172 | Chiara Doris Moriconi (Maine Office of Tourism) |
29 | Edward Bohn (Paulding County EMA) | 173 | Cherilynn A. Morrow (Southwest Research Institute - Consultant) |
30 | Julie Bolduc-Duval (Discover the Universe) | 174 | Mario E. Motta (AAVSO) |
31 | Michael Brewster (Travis County Parks Reimers Observatory) | 175 | Jaydeep Mukherjee (NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium) |
32 | Michelle Brosseau (Ursuline College Chatham) | 176 | Fana M. Mulu-Moore (Aims Community College) |
33 | Sarah Burcher (Lowell Observatory) | 177 | Marie-Eve Naud (Université de Montréal) |
34 | Andrea Burke (Mom) | 178 | Carolyn Ng (NASA GSFC) |
35 | Debi Butler (Belleville RASC) | 179 | Nancy Laura Ng (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Windsor Centre) |
36 | Monica Butler (La Joya ISD) | 180 | Michelle Nichols-Yehling (Adler Planetarium) |
37 | Nina Byers (Fiske Planetarium, CU Boulder) | 181 | Tyler Nordgren (Space Art Travel Bureau) |
38 | Saida M. Caballero-Nieves (Florida Institute of Technology) | 182 | Aileen A. O'Donoghue (Saint Lawrence Univ.) |
39 | James Carr (TAAS) | 183 | Sten Odenwald (NASA / ADNET Corp.) |
40 | Richard Carrier (Oil City Astronomical Society) | 184 | Pam Owens (Dripping Springs Visitors Bureau) |
41 | Brent Ross Carroll (Arkansas State Univ.) | 185 | Carmen Pantoja (Univ. of Puerto Rico) |
42 | Jennifer Carter (Susquehanna Univ.) | 186 | Jay M. Pasachoff (Williams College) |
43 | Misty Carty (New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science) | 187 | Andi Pearl (IMAP Mission Outreach/Princeton) |
44 | John Carzoli (Oakton Community College) | 188 | Steven J. Pellarin (Univ. of Windsor) |
45 | Amir Caspi (Southwest Research Institute) | 189 | Matthew J. Penn (Astronomical League) |
46 | Zoe Chee (Astronomers Without Borders) | 190 | Mark Percy (Williamsville Space Lab Planetarium) |
47 | Michelle Clements-Pitstick (Clark County EMA) | 191 | Laura Peticolas (Sonoma State Univ.) |
48 | Cody P. Cly (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio) | 192 | Derrick H. Pitts (Franklin Institute Science Museum) |
49 | Holly Cohen (Buffalo Museum of Science) | 193 | Emily Powell (Kingman Museum) |
50 | Shelly C. Collins (Frio Pecan Farm) | 194 | David Prosper (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) |
51 | Megan Anne Conner (Texas A&M Univ.- San Antonio) | 195 | Spencer R. Rackley (CAAC) |
52 | Sierra Coon (National Park Service) | 196 | Laurel Radow (TRB) |
53 | Terry Cuttle (Astronomical Association of Queensland) | 197 | Claire Raftery (National Solar Observatory) |
54 | Kevin P. Czajkowski (Univ. of Toledo) | 198 | Katie Raney (TPWD) |
55 | Dawn Davies (Hill Country Alliance) | 199 | Shannon P. Reed (NASA/ADNET Systems) |
56 | Steven Davies (Blake Planetarium) | 200 | Christina R. Reeves-Shull (Cedar Valley College) |
57 | Cheri Davis (Texas A&M Univ., Commerce) | 201 | Patricia H. Reiff (Rice Univ.) |
58 | Noella L. Dcruz (Joliet Junior College) | 202 | Patsy Reublin (Bootheel Youth Museum) |
59 | Paul Deans (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) | 203 | Thomas Rice (Columbia Univ.) |
60 | Angela Des Jardins (Montana State Univ.) | 204 | Tony Rice (JPL) |
61 | Tanya DiMaggio (St. Tammany Parish Library) | 205 | Jeffrey A. Rich (Carnegie Observatories) |
62 | Toby Dittrich (Portland Community College) | 206 | Terry Richardson (College of Charleston) |
63 | Randy Dodge (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada) | 207 | Stuart I. Riley (ASKC) |
64 | Cynthia Dorminey (Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park) | 208 | Diane Ripollone (Cardinal Gibbons High School) |
65 | Douglas K. Duncan (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder) | 209 | Andrew Curtis Roberts (NASA) |
66 | David W. Dunham (KinetX, Inc.) | 210 | Lauri Roche (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada) |
67 | Catherine Dyar (Indiana Univ.) | 211 | Sarah Mitchell Rodriguez (Ozark Area Chamber of Commerce) |
68 | Kimberly Eaves (NOAA) | 212 | David L. Rogers (BioMarin) |
69 | David F. Elmore (National Solar Observatory) | 213 | Heather Rookhuyzen (Mt. San Antonio College) |
70 | Kristen Erickson (NASA Science) | 214 | Debra Ross (Rochester NY Eclipse Task Force) |
71 | Trish Erzfeld (Perry County Heritage Tourism) | 215 | John Ruan (McGill Univ.) |
72 | Fred Espenak (EclipseWise.com / MrEclipse.com) | 216 | Daniel Ruiz Trejo (Eclipse Coahuila) |
73 | Fraser Farrell (The Backyard Universe Pty Ltd) | 217 | Kate Russo (Independent) |
74 | Nik Farrell (City of Wimberley - Parks & Recreation) | 218 | Lanika Ruzhitskaya (Saint Francis Univ.) |
75 | Sonja Ferguson (No Affiliation Provided) | 219 | Mohtasham Ladha Saqib (Noor-ul-Emaan) |
76 | Stephan Fichtner (Experimenta) | 220 | Lani Sasser (NASA/Adnet Systems, Inc.) |
77 | Don Ficken (St. Louis Astronomical Society) | 221 | Amy Sayle (UNC Morehead Planetarium & Science Center) |
78 | Richard Tresch Fienberg (American Astronomical Society) | 222 | Dennis L. Schatz (Pacific Science Center) |
79 | Andrew Fraknoi (Fromm Inst./U of San Francisco) | 223 | Eric M. Schlegel (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) |
80 | Lloyd Franklin (Northern Virginia Astronomy Club) | 224 | Daniel Schneiderman (Rochester Museum & Science Center) |
81 | Mike Franklin (Home) | 225 | Nicole Schnell (Hill Springs Campground) |
82 | Devin Fredrickson (City of Castroville) | 226 | Holly Schreiber (Penn Dixie Fossil Park & Nature Reserve) |
83 | Rica Sirbaugh French (MiraCosta College & Center for Astronomy Education) | 227 | Gregory R. Schultz (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) |
84 | Carl Freyaldenhoven (No Affiliation Provided) | 228 | Sara Kay Schultz (Minnesota State Univ. Moorhead) |
85 | Charles Fulco (Laurel (Del.) Public Schools) | 229 | Geoff Scott (Andrews ISD) |
86 | Lindsay Fuller (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio) | 230 | Robert J. Semper (Exploratorium) |
87 | Pamela L. Gay (Planetary Science Institute) | 231 | MaryKay Severino (ARISA Lab, LLC) |
88 | Nicole Glen (Bridgewater State Univ.) | 232 | Jill Shelton (City Of Bandera) |
89 | Jennifer Godfrey (Oregon Parks & Recreation Dept.) | 233 | Lisa Shepard (UTSA) |
90 | Vayujeet Gokhale (Truman State Univ.) | 234 | Christine Shupla (Lunar & Planetary Institute) |
91 | Sonja Gonzalez (Lowell Observatory) | 235 | Brian Simpson (RASC - WINDSOR) |
92 | Jessica Gradante (Frontiers of Flight Museum) | 236 | Shiva Sinha (Self) |
93 | Jake Guerrero (The Inn Between) | 237 | Geoff Skelton (NMMNH&S) |
94 | Theodore R. Gull (NASA Goddard Flight Center) | 238 | Bruce W. Skinner (Southeast Missouri State Univ.) |
95 | Marc Hairston (Univ. of Texas at Dallas) | 239 | Julie Slowinski (La Joya Isd) |
96 | Micaela Hall (Adirondack Experience, the Museum on Blue Mountain Lake) | 240 | Tom Sobocan (RASC Windsor Centre) |
97 | Diana Hannikainen (Sky & Telescope) | 241 | Moha Sol (The Univ. of Girona) |
98 | Pamela Harman (SETI Institute) | 242 | Mickey Jo Sorrell (Morehead Planetarium & Science Center) |
99 | Chris Hartenstine (NASA Glenn Research Center) | 243 | Robert T. Sparks (NSF's NOIRLab) |
100 | Beau Hartweg (Texas Christian Univ.) | 244 | Angela Speck (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) |
101 | John M. Heasley (Driftless Stargazing) | 245 | Silvia Spires (Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Burea) |
102 | Darrell Heath (Arkansas Space Grant) | 246 | Mark Stollberg (U. S. Naval Observatory) |
103 | Janie Henderson (Solar System Ambassador) | 247 | Mike Szydlowski (Columbia Public Schools) |
104 | Robyn Higdon (Exploratorium) | 248 | Susan Talamantez (South San Antonio High School) |
105 | Denise Hill (NASA) | 249 | Sumeyra Tek (The Univ. of Texas at San Antonio) |
106 | Margaret Hill (Southeast Missouri State Univ.) | 250 | Gordon Telepun (Solar Eclipse Timer) |
107 | Elly Hinojosa (JD Salinas MS) | 251 | Patricia Lynne Terhune-Inverso (Bellevue College) |
108 | Thomas A. Hockey (Univ. of Northern Iowa) | 252 | Chris Thayer (Appalachian Mountain Club) |
109 | William Hogg (Destination Sherbrooke) | 253 | Bethany Thomas (Indiana State Museum & Historic Sites) |
110 | Anne Holland (Space Science Institute) | 254 | William Banks Thomas (Kerr County SO) |
111 | James T. Hooten (Tyler Junior College) | 255 | Mike Toomey (Asterion Foundation) |
112 | Darcy Howard (Central Arkansas Astronomical Society) | 256 | Kevin Bruce Tribbe (Warren County EMA) |
113 | Holly Hudson (Terre Haute Children's Museum) | 257 | David Alden Contreras Turley (I LOVE NY) |
114 | David Humphreys (Hardin County Astronomy Club) | 258 | Angela Turner (Hidden Cove STEAM Academy) |
115 | David Hurd (Edinboro Univ. of Pennsylvania) | 259 | Joseph Ulmer (Indus Space) |
116 | Briana Ingermann (Fiske Planetarium) | 260 | Tara Urbanski (Dallas College) |
117 | Abbey Interrante (NASA/ADNET Systems Inc.) | 261 | Kristine Uribe (Genesee Valley Greenway State Park) |
118 | Jesse Jameson (Appalachian Mountain Club) | 262 | Rick Varner (Scobee Education Center) |
119 | Elizabeth Jinks (Backyard Astronomer) | 263 | Tom Vassos (Cosmologists Without Borders) |
120 | Rosa Johnson (La Joya ISD) | 264 | Kelsey Veatch (Terre Haute Regional Airport) |
121 | Andrea Jones (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) | 265 | Jim Vetter (Jim Vetter Photography) |
122 | Dennis William Just (Pima Community College) | 266 | Scott Vollmer (Great Lakes Science Center) |
123 | Amy Keesee (Univ. of New Hampshire) | 267 | Dmitry Vorobiev (Univ. of Colorado) |
124 | Jeffery Keffer (Amateur telescope makers of Boston) | 268 | Rosemary S. Walling (Marie Drake Planetarium) |
125 | John M. Keller (California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona) | 269 | June Wang (State Univ. of New York at Albany) |
126 | Christopher Kennedy (Vatican Observatory Foundation) | 270 | Jenny Ward (Appalachian Mountain Club) |
127 | Nancy Ketch (Town of Houlton) | 271 | Rebecca Ward (Lost Maples RV & Camping) |
128 | Michael S. Kirk (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) | 272 | Rachel Ward-Maxwell (Ontario Science Centre) |
129 | Kelly Korreck (NASA) | 273 | Jessica S. Warren (Indiana Univ. Northwest) |
130 | Sarah Kovac (New Mexico State Univ.) | 274 | Kristen Weaver (Science Systems & Applications, Inc./NASA Goddard) |
131 | Frederick P. Kowalski (No Affiliation Provided) | 275 | Theo Wellington (Solar System Ambassador) |
132 | Joseph R. Kraus (Colorado School of Mines) | 276 | Vivian White (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) |
133 | Elijah Kruger (New York State Parks - Letchworth State Park) | 277 | Megan Wilkins (NPS) |
134 | Jennifer Krupa (City of Fredericksburg, TX) | 278 | Gregg Williams (Retired) |
135 | Heidi E. Kuchta (No Affiliation Provided) | 279 | Kim Williams (Arkansas Tourism) |
136 | David C. Kupfer (Austin Astronomical Society) | 280 | Henry D. Winter (ARIASA Lab, LLC) |
137 | Jelena Lane (Lowell Observatory) | 281 | Julie Wittenborn-Sikorski (AASI & SIUC) |
138 | Rafael Lang (Purdue Univ.) | 282 | Charles Woodford (Queen's Univ.) |
139 | Maria Belem Leal (La Joya ISD) | 283 | John Wayne Wooten (Chattanooga State Community College| Univ. of West Florida) |
140 | Hyun-chul Lee (Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley) | 284 | Ernest Wright (USRA) |
141 | Robert Lee (Boerne Fire Marshal's Office) | 285 | Rik Yeames (NH Solar Eclipse Task Force) |
142 | George Leonberger (Valley of the Caddo Museum) | 286 | Diana Yoder (Dayton Society of Natural History) |
143 | Matthew Lewis (Midlothian ISD) | 287 | C. Alex Young (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) |
144 | Deborah Lockhart (NASA's Glenn Research Center) | 288 | Michael Zeiler (GreatAmericanEclipse.com) |